Special Issue: The CLR James Journal
Table of Contents
Editor’s Note: CLR James Journal 2014 Issue (Paget Henry)
On Black Canadian Thought (Peter James Hudson and Aaron Kamugisha)
§1 Tributes to Stuart Hall and Norman Girvan
Stuart Hall: Diaspora, Conjuncture, and Living in the World We Make (Anthony Bogues)
“Re-Describing Socialism”: A Tribute to Stuart Hall (Paget Henry)
From Beginning to End a New World Man: A Tribute To Professor Norman Girvan (David Abdulah)
Economic Nationalism and Socialism: A Tribute to Norman Girvan (Paget Henry)
For Norman (Brian Meeks)
§2 Essays
An Anatomy of the Originality of African-Canadian Thought (George Elliott Clarke)
Black Civility: Black Grammars of Protest on the Canadian Prairies 1905-1950 (Karina Vernon)
Everything’s Connected: A Relationality Remix, A Praxis (Mark V. Campbell)
The Mechanisms of Isolation: The Life and Thought of Yves Montas (Nathalie Batraville)
Canadian Black Power, Organic Intellectuals, and the War of Position in Toronto, 1967-1975 (Christopher Harris)
The National Black Coalition of Canada, “Race,” and Social Equality in the Age of Multiculturalism (Barrington Walker)
Black Canadian Feminist Theorizing: Possibilities and Prospects (Karen Flynn)
§3 Interviews
Research, Repression, and Revolution—On Montreal and the Black Radical Tradition: An Interview with David Austin (David Austin and Peter James Hudson)
The Geographies of Blackness and Anti-Blackness: An Interview with Katherine McKittrick (Peter James Hudson and Katherine McKittrick)
§4 Commentaries
Wait Canada Anticipate Black (Katherine McKittrick)
Prospects for African Canadian Philosophy (Chike Jeffers)
Oldest Loyalists: Blacks and the Social Evolution of Liberal Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Canada (Cecil Foster)
A Race for Votes: White Privilege in Toronto Politics (Laurie Lambert)
Shame: A Polemic (Rinaldo Walcott)
§5 Book Reviews
Unity and Time in the Philosophy of Wilson Harris / Time, History, and Philosophy of Wilson Harris by Gianluca Delfino (Review by: Paget Henry)
Creolizing Reason and the Politics of Racial Justice: Reflections on Michael Monahan's The Creolizing Subject: Race, Reason and the Politics of Purity / The Creolizing Subject: Race, Reason, and the Politics of Purity by Michael J. Monahan (Review by: Pat Goodin)
Theorizing a Colonial Caribbean-Atlantic Imaginary: Sugar and Obeah by Keith Sandiford (Review by: Michael Sawyer)
Eastern Ontologies and Capability Theory / Negotiating Capability and Diaspora: A Philosophical Politics by Ashmita Khasnabish (Review by: Teodros Kiros)
Marilyn Nissim-Sabat and Our Struggle for a New Humanity: A Review Essay / Neither Victim Nor Survivor: Thinking toward a New Humanity by Marilyn Nissim-Sabat (Review by: Paget Henry)
Response to Paget Henry (Marilyn Nissim-Sabat)