Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State
Publisher: Ian Randle Publishers
Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State reckons with the vast body of radical work and thought on the post-colonial Caribbean state. It focuses on the period after the Second World War, when a significant number of Caribbean countries gained their independence, and the character of the region s post-colonial politics had become clear. The survey of political thought in this collection is divided into four sections: theories of the post-colonial state, theorizing post-colonial citizenship, Caribbean regionalism and political culture.
Includes Contributions from:
Charles Mill
Frantz Fanon
Arthur Lewis
Patsy Lewis
R.H. Ross-Brewster
Stuart Hall
Edouard Glissant
A.W. Singham
N.L. Singham
Eric Williams
Rupert Lewis
Jacky Dahomay
George Lamming
Erna Brodber
Sylvia Wynter
Paget Henry
Walter Rodney
Percy Hintzen
Ernesto Sagás
Michel-Rolph Trouillot
Carl Stone
Brian Meeks
C.Y. Thomas
George Danns
Norman Girvan
George Belle
Eudine Barriteau
Hilbourne Watson
C.L.R. James
M. Jacqui Alexander
Tracy Robinson
Obika Gray
Patricia Mohammed