Interviewed in Smith Alumnae Magazine, Fall 2023
Carol Williams, “Reading Awakened Appetite for Learning: An Interview with Aaron Kamugisha,” UWI CHILL magazine 25 March/April (2021): 84-85
Interview by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on the forthcoming republic status of Barbados, March 2018 [https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/barbados-harry-meghan-1.5952162]
Interview/Roundtable on Race in Contemporary Barbados, BrassTacks talk show, VOB92.9FM Barbados, 14th February 2021.
Opal Palmer Adisa, “Kamau shows us what Caribbean Thought is meant to be,” Interviewing the Caribbean 6, 1 (2020): 92-97
Alejandra Bronfman, “Interview with Aaron Kamugisha on Beyond Coloniality: Citizenship and Freedom in the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition.” New Books in Caribbean Studies, June 2020 [https://newbooksnetwork.com/aaron-kamugisha-beyond-coloniality-citizenship-and-freedom-in-the-caribbean-intellectual-tradition-indiana-up-2019/]
Interviewed by Peta Alleyne on Black Lives Matter, The Link Up, Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation TV, 15th June 2020
Shivanee Ramlochan, Interview with Aaron Kamugisha on Beyond Coloniality: Citizenship and Freedom in the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition.” Bios & Bookmarks: An Online Reading Series by the NGC Bocas Lit Fest, 19th April 2020.
Roberto Sirvent, “BAR Book Forum: An Interview with Aaron Kamugisha on Beyond Coloniality: Citizenship and Freedom in the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition.” [https://blackagendareport.com/bar-book-forum-aaron-kamugishas-beyond-coloniality], 26 June 2019.
Mikaela Erskog, “Caribbean Revolutionary Movements and 1968: An Interview with Aaron Kamugisha.” Thread Issue 1 (Fall 2018). [http://www.threadjournal.org/issue-one/an-interview-with-aaron-kamugisha/], republished in New Frame on 28th January 2019 [https://www.newframe.com/caribbean-revolutionary-movements-and-1968]
Interviewed by Esther Phillips on the thought of George Lamming for Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation Radio (Barbados). Interview conducted on 12, June 2017.
Interviewed by the Daily Nation (Barbados) on Black hairstyles in Barbados, interview published on Saturday 25th January 2014.