Essays & Articles

    • (2023) “The Responsibilities of Caribbean Intellectuals,” South Atlantic Quarterly 122, 2 (2023): 361-375

    • (2022) “George Lamming and Caribbean Political Conscience,” Journal of West Indian Literature 31, 1 (November) :1-6

    • (2022) “Kamau at Ninety,” Small Axe 67 (March): 101-107.

    • (2021b) “Caribbean Freedom Beyond Coloniality,” Small Axe 65 (July): 190-196.

    • (2021) “The Promise of Caribbean Intellectual History,” Small Axe 64 (March): 48-60.

    • (2020) “Caribbean Journal articles 2018,” Year’s Work in English Studies 99, 1: 127-130.

    • (2019) “Caribbean Journal articles 2017,” Year’s Work in English Studies 98, 1: 137-145.

    • (2016b) “The Black Experience of New World Coloniality,” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 49 (March): 129-144.

    • (2016a) “‘That Area of Experience that we term the New World’: Introducing Sylvia Wynter’s Black Metamorphosis,” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 49 (March): 37-46.

    • (2014) and Peter Hudson, “On Black Canadian Thought,” The C.L.R. James Journal Vol. 20 (Summer): 1-18.

    • (2013b) “A Jamesian Poeisis? C.L.R. James’s 20 th Century Aesthetic Journey.” The C.L.R. James Journal Vol. 19 1&2: 21-37

    • (2013a) “On the Idea of a Caribbean Cultural Studies,” Small Axe 41 Special issue on Caribbean Studies (July): 43-57.

    • (2012) “Austin Clarke’s Barbadian boyhood: Coming of Age in Amongst Thistles and Thorns, Growing

    • Up Stupid Under the Union Jack, and Proud Empires,” Journal of West Indian Literature 21 1&2 Special issue on Masculinities (November 2012/April 2013): 42-59.

    • (2011b) “The Life and Death of a Nation: The Mood on Immigration in Barbados,” Caribbean Quarterly 57, 2 (June): 118-122.

    • (2011a) “The Hearts of Men? Gender in the Late C.L.R. James,” Small Axe 34 (March): 76-94.

    • (2007c) “The Coloniality of Citizenship in the Contemporary Anglophone Caribbean,” Race & Class 49, 2: 20-40.

    • (2007b) (with Alissa Trotz) “Caribbean Trajectories: 200 Years On,” Race & Class 49, 2: i-iv.

    • (2007a) “Orientalism, Western Republicanism and the Ancient polis: Patricia Springborg’s Western

    • Republicanism and the Oriental Prince and the Canon of Political Thought,” The Philosophical Forum 38, 2: 173-98.

    • (2003b) “Finally in Africa? Egypt, from Diop to Celenko,” Race & Class 45, 1: 31-60.

    • (2022) “Reproducing Domination: Percy Hintzen and Theories of the Caribbean Postcolonial State,” in Charisse Burden-Stelly, Percy Hintzen and Aaron Kamugisha eds., Reproducing Domination: On the Caribbean Postcolonial State (Jackson, Mississippi: University of Mississippi Press, November 2022), 3-11. 

    • (2022) “Sylvia Wynter’s Caribbean Ceremony,” in Claire Tancons et. al. eds., Ceremony: Burial of an Undead World (Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, December): 25-28.

    • (2022) “The Caribbean as Diaspora: From Exile to Affirmation,” in Carla Acevedo Yates ed., Forecast Form: Art in the Caribbean Diaspora 1990s-Today (Delmonico Books/Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, October), 245-252.

    • (2022) Perry Collins, Hélène Huet, Laurie Taylor, Brittany Mistretta, Hannah Toombs, Anita Baksh, Nathan H. Dize, Juliet Glenn-Callender, Ronald Angelo Johnson, Aaron Kamugisha, K. Adele Okoli, Laëtitia Saint-Loubert, and Keja Valens, “An Institute-Based Approach to OER in Digital Caribbean Studies,” in Using Open Educational Resources to Promote Social Justice, eds. CJ Ivory and Angela Pashia (Association of College and Research Libraries).

    • (2018) with Yanique Hume, “Caribbean Thought and Its Critique of Subjugation.” In Vershawn Young, Michelle Robinson, Aaron Kamugisha, Yanique Hume et. al. eds., The Routledge Reader in African American Rhetoric: The Long Duree of Black Voices. (New York and London: Routledge), 540-542.

    • (2016b) with Jane Gordon, Lewis Gordon and Neil Roberts, “Introduction,” to Journeys in Caribbean Thought: The Paget Henry Reader (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield,), 1-8.

    • (2016a) and Yanique Hume, “Caribbean Popular Culture: Power, Politics and Performance: An Introduction,” in Caribbean Popular Culture: Power, Politics and Performance edited by Aaron Kamugisha and Yanique Hume (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xiii-xxvi.

    • (2015a) “Rihanna and Bajan Respectability.” In Rihanna: Barbados World-Gurl in Global Popular Culture, edited by Hilary Beckles and Heather Russell (Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press), 159-180.

    • (2014) “C.L.R. James’s The Black Jacobins and the Making of the Modern Atlantic World.” In 10 Books That Shaped the British Empire: Creating an Imperial Commons, edited by Antoinette Burton and Isabel Hofmeyr (Durham, NC: Duke University Press), 190-215.

    • (2013c) and Yanique Hume, “Caribbean Cultural Thought in the Pursuit of Freedom.” Introduction to Caribbean Cultural Thought: From Plantation to Diaspora (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xiii-xxiv.

    • (2013b) “The Responsibilities of Caribbean Intellectuals.” In Caribbean Political Thought: The Colonial State to Caribbean Internationalisms (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xi-xvi.

    • (2013a) “Post-Colonial Failure?” In Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xi-xv.

    • (2011b) “The Survivors of the Crossing and the Impossibility of Late Colonial Revolt.” Introduction to the re-publication of Austin Clarke’s The Survivors of the Crossing (Leeds, UK: Peepal Tree Press): 7-22.

    • (2011a) “C.L.R. James: Twentieth Century Literary Journeys,” in The Routledge Reader in Anglophone Caribbean Literature edited by Michael Bucknor and Alison Donnell (New York and London: Routledge): 43-49.

    • (2010) “Austin Clarke’s Barbadian Coloniality: Language, Humour and Violence in a Caribbean colony.” Introduction to the republication of Austin Clarke’s Amongst Thistles and Thorns (Leeds, UK: Peepal Tree Press): 7-21. 

    • (2006) “Reading Edward Said and Sylvia Wynter on Liberation and the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition.” In After Man, Towards the Human: Critical Essays on Sylvia Wynter edited by Anthony Bogues (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press): 131-56.

    • (2021) Review of Alissa Trotz ed., The Point is to Change the World: Selected Essays of AndaiyeThe Black Scholar 51, 2: 69-70

    • (2017) Review of Cathy Bergin ed., African American Anti-Colonial Thought, 1917-1937Race & Class Vol. 59, 2: 117-118.

    • (2012) “The Coloniality of Power and Caribbean Social and Political Thought: A Reflection on Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination,” Social and Economic Studies (December): 205-209.

    • (2011) “Review of Maria Cristina Fumagalli Caribbean Perspectives on Modernity: Returning Medusa’s Gaze.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Vol. 36 No. 71: 288-89.

    • (2011) “Culture Matters: A review of Andrew Smith’s C.L.R. James and the Study of Culture.” Caribbean Review of Books (March 2011) [].

    • (2006) “The Consumption of Paradise: A review of Mimi Sheller’s Consuming the Caribbean and Ian Strachan’s Paradise and Plantation.” Proudflesh Issue 4.