Essays & Articles
(2023) “The Responsibilities of Caribbean Intellectuals,” South Atlantic Quarterly 122, 2 (2023): 361-375
(2022) “George Lamming and Caribbean Political Conscience,” Journal of West Indian Literature 31, 1 (November) :1-6
(2022) “Kamau at Ninety,” Small Axe 67 (March): 101-107.
(2021b) “Caribbean Freedom Beyond Coloniality,” Small Axe 65 (July): 190-196.
(2021) “The Promise of Caribbean Intellectual History,” Small Axe 64 (March): 48-60.
(2020) “Caribbean Journal articles 2018,” Year’s Work in English Studies 99, 1: 127-130.
(2019) “Caribbean Journal articles 2017,” Year’s Work in English Studies 98, 1: 137-145.
(2016b) “The Black Experience of New World Coloniality,” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 49 (March): 129-144.
(2016a) “‘That Area of Experience that we term the New World’: Introducing Sylvia Wynter’s Black Metamorphosis,” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 49 (March): 37-46.
(2014) and Peter Hudson, “On Black Canadian Thought,” The C.L.R. James Journal Vol. 20 (Summer): 1-18.
(2013b) “A Jamesian Poeisis? C.L.R. James’s 20 th Century Aesthetic Journey.” The C.L.R. James Journal Vol. 19 1&2: 21-37
(2013a) “On the Idea of a Caribbean Cultural Studies,” Small Axe 41 Special issue on Caribbean Studies (July): 43-57.
(2012) “Austin Clarke’s Barbadian boyhood: Coming of Age in Amongst Thistles and Thorns, Growing
Up Stupid Under the Union Jack, and Proud Empires,” Journal of West Indian Literature 21 1&2 Special issue on Masculinities (November 2012/April 2013): 42-59.
(2011b) “The Life and Death of a Nation: The Mood on Immigration in Barbados,” Caribbean Quarterly 57, 2 (June): 118-122.
(2011a) “The Hearts of Men? Gender in the Late C.L.R. James,” Small Axe 34 (March): 76-94.
(2007c) “The Coloniality of Citizenship in the Contemporary Anglophone Caribbean,” Race & Class 49, 2: 20-40.
(2007b) (with Alissa Trotz) “Caribbean Trajectories: 200 Years On,” Race & Class 49, 2: i-iv.
(2007a) “Orientalism, Western Republicanism and the Ancient polis: Patricia Springborg’s Western
Republicanism and the Oriental Prince and the Canon of Political Thought,” The Philosophical Forum 38, 2: 173-98.
(2003b) “Finally in Africa? Egypt, from Diop to Celenko,” Race & Class 45, 1: 31-60.
(2022) “Reproducing Domination: Percy Hintzen and Theories of the Caribbean Postcolonial State,” in Charisse Burden-Stelly, Percy Hintzen and Aaron Kamugisha eds., Reproducing Domination: On the Caribbean Postcolonial State (Jackson, Mississippi: University of Mississippi Press, November 2022), 3-11.
(2022) “Sylvia Wynter’s Caribbean Ceremony,” in Claire Tancons et. al. eds., Ceremony: Burial of an Undead World (Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, December): 25-28.
(2022) “The Caribbean as Diaspora: From Exile to Affirmation,” in Carla Acevedo Yates ed., Forecast Form: Art in the Caribbean Diaspora 1990s-Today (Delmonico Books/Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, October), 245-252.
(2022) Perry Collins, Hélène Huet, Laurie Taylor, Brittany Mistretta, Hannah Toombs, Anita Baksh, Nathan H. Dize, Juliet Glenn-Callender, Ronald Angelo Johnson, Aaron Kamugisha, K. Adele Okoli, Laëtitia Saint-Loubert, and Keja Valens, “An Institute-Based Approach to OER in Digital Caribbean Studies,” in Using Open Educational Resources to Promote Social Justice, eds. CJ Ivory and Angela Pashia (Association of College and Research Libraries).
(2018) with Yanique Hume, “Caribbean Thought and Its Critique of Subjugation.” In Vershawn Young, Michelle Robinson, Aaron Kamugisha, Yanique Hume et. al. eds., The Routledge Reader in African American Rhetoric: The Long Duree of Black Voices. (New York and London: Routledge), 540-542.
(2016b) with Jane Gordon, Lewis Gordon and Neil Roberts, “Introduction,” to Journeys in Caribbean Thought: The Paget Henry Reader (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield,), 1-8.
(2016a) and Yanique Hume, “Caribbean Popular Culture: Power, Politics and Performance: An Introduction,” in Caribbean Popular Culture: Power, Politics and Performance edited by Aaron Kamugisha and Yanique Hume (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xiii-xxvi.
(2015a) “Rihanna and Bajan Respectability.” In Rihanna: Barbados World-Gurl in Global Popular Culture, edited by Hilary Beckles and Heather Russell (Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press), 159-180.
(2014) “C.L.R. James’s The Black Jacobins and the Making of the Modern Atlantic World.” In 10 Books That Shaped the British Empire: Creating an Imperial Commons, edited by Antoinette Burton and Isabel Hofmeyr (Durham, NC: Duke University Press), 190-215.
(2013c) and Yanique Hume, “Caribbean Cultural Thought in the Pursuit of Freedom.” Introduction to Caribbean Cultural Thought: From Plantation to Diaspora (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xiii-xxiv.
(2013b) “The Responsibilities of Caribbean Intellectuals.” In Caribbean Political Thought: The Colonial State to Caribbean Internationalisms (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xi-xvi.
(2013a) “Post-Colonial Failure?” In Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press), xi-xv.
(2011b) “The Survivors of the Crossing and the Impossibility of Late Colonial Revolt.” Introduction to the re-publication of Austin Clarke’s The Survivors of the Crossing (Leeds, UK: Peepal Tree Press): 7-22.
(2011a) “C.L.R. James: Twentieth Century Literary Journeys,” in The Routledge Reader in Anglophone Caribbean Literature edited by Michael Bucknor and Alison Donnell (New York and London: Routledge): 43-49.
(2010) “Austin Clarke’s Barbadian Coloniality: Language, Humour and Violence in a Caribbean colony.” Introduction to the republication of Austin Clarke’s Amongst Thistles and Thorns (Leeds, UK: Peepal Tree Press): 7-21.
(2006) “Reading Edward Said and Sylvia Wynter on Liberation and the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition.” In After Man, Towards the Human: Critical Essays on Sylvia Wynter edited by Anthony Bogues (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press): 131-56.
(2021) Review of Alissa Trotz ed., The Point is to Change the World: Selected Essays of AndaiyeThe Black Scholar 51, 2: 69-70
(2017) Review of Cathy Bergin ed., African American Anti-Colonial Thought, 1917-1937Race & Class Vol. 59, 2: 117-118.
(2012) “The Coloniality of Power and Caribbean Social and Political Thought: A Reflection on Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination,” Social and Economic Studies (December): 205-209.
(2011) “Review of Maria Cristina Fumagalli Caribbean Perspectives on Modernity: Returning Medusa’s Gaze.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Vol. 36 No. 71: 288-89.
(2011) “Culture Matters: A review of Andrew Smith’s C.L.R. James and the Study of Culture.” Caribbean Review of Books (March 2011) [http://caribbeanreviewofbooks.com/crb-archive/26-march-2011/culture-matters/].
(2006) “The Consumption of Paradise: A review of Mimi Sheller’s Consuming the Caribbean and Ian Strachan’s Paradise and Plantation.” Proudflesh Issue 4.
“The Work of Art in an Age of Neocolonial Production. Review of the instillation art show “Attack of the Sandwich Men” by Chris Cozier. January 16-February 21, 2004, ASpace Gallery, Toronto, Canada. Published on the Small Axe website [http://storage.smallaxe.net/wordpress/category/aaron-kamugisha/]
with Kristina Hinds. “An Enfranchisement Lost.” Barbados Today 18th January 2022
“The Responsibilities of Caribbean Intellectuals.” Pts I and II, Stabroek News (Guyana) 31st May 2021 and 7, June 2021.
“The Life and Death of a Nation.” Stabroek News (Guyana), 23 August 2010. In The Diaspora column [http://www.stabroeknews.com/2010/features/08/23/in-the-diasporathe-life-and-death-of-a-nation/]
“Caribbean men’s relationship to Caribbean feminist practice, or the hearts of men.” Stabroek News (Guyana), 26, June 2009. UNIFEM media series on gender in the Caribbean. [http://www.stabroeknews.com/2009/features/06/23/caribbean-men%E2%80%99s-relationship-to-caribbean-feminist-practice-or-the-hearts-of-men/#comments]
“Homophobia and the Caribbean State.” Stabroek News (Guyana), 14, July 2008 [In The Diaspora column] [http://www.stabroeknews.com/features/in-the-diaspora-28/]