Special Issue: Small Axe 64
Table of Contents
Preface: A Postcolonial Avant-Garde? (David Scott)
When Is Poetry Political? Césaire on the Role of Knowledge in 1944 (Yohann C. Ripert)
Provision Grounds Against the Plantation: Robert Wedderburn’s Axe Laid to the Root (Katey Castellano)
§1 On Caribbean Intellectual History
Guest Editor, Aaron Kamugisha
The Promise of Caribbean Intellectual History (Aaron Kamugisha)
Skirts Rolled Up: The Gendered Terrain of Politics in Nineteenth-Century Port-au-Prince (Anne Eller)
Peter Abrahams’s Island Fictions for Freedom (Victoria J. Collis-Buthelezi)
Decolonization, Otherness, and the Neglect of the Dutch Caribbean in Caribbean Studies (Margo Groenewoud)
Rastafari, the Transnational Archive, and Postcolonial Caribbean Intellectual History (Monique A. Bedasse)
Beyond Trouillot: Unsettling Genealogies of Historical Thought (Marlene L. Daut)
§2 Visualities
what is the value of water if it doesn’t quench our thirst for . . . (Deborah Jack)
§3 Book Discussion: Hazel V. Carby, Imperial Intimacies: A Tale of Two Islands
Genres of History and the Practice of Loss: Attending to Silence in Hazel Carby’s Imperial Intimacies (Marisa J. Fuentes)
An Intimate History of Empire (Marc Matera)
Zippin’ Up My Boots, Going Back to My Routes (Eddie Chambers)
Imperial Intimacies—Further Thoughts (Hazel V. Carby)