Special Issue: Small Axe 67

Table of Contents

  1. Preface: The Misrecognition of Charles W. Mills and the Dialogue of Intellectual Traditions (David Scott)

  2. Absence and Disappearance: A Black Caribbean Women’s Poetics of the Body (Warren Harding)

  3. Ghosts in Nelly Rosario’s Song of the Water Saints and Angie Cruz’s Soledad (Susan C. Méndez)

  4. Mémoire and Vindicationism in Revolutionary Saint-Domingue (Chelsea Stieber)

  5. Not Dead Yet: Carrying History in a Song of Jamaica (Kathleen Donegan)

  6. Daniel Maximin’s Lone Sun: Disrupting the Tides of History and Memory (Leanna Thomas)

  7. In Conversation with History: An Interview with M. NourbeSe Philip (Marta Fernández Campa)

§1 Homage to Kamau Brathwaite
Guest Editor, Aaron Kamugisha

  1. Kamau at Ninety (Aaron Kamugisha)

  2. Not a Usual Man (Lorna Goodison)

  3. Kamau Brathwaite, a Memoir: The Road to and from New York City (Timothy J. Reiss)

  4. A Literary Friendship: Selected Notes on the Correspondence with Kamau Brathwaite (Gordon Rohlehr)

  5. The Questions Kamau Asked of Us (Elaine Savory)

§2 Visualities

  1. Pretty Pretty (Gio Swaby)

§3 Book Discussion: Jovan Scott Lewis, Scammer’s Yard: The Crime of Black Repair in Jamaica

  1. Inside the Circle: A Response to Jovan Scott Lewis’s Scammer’s Yard (Patricia Noxolo)

  2. Criminalization on a World Scale: Racial Capitalism, Finance, and the Crime of Poverty in the Caribbean (Beverley Mullings)

  3. The (Im)Possibility of Black Repair (Kevon Rhiney)

  4. The Limits of Repair (Jovan Scott Lewis)

  5. Contributors